Censpol - výroba modelů, maket a prototypů

CENSPOL s.r.o.
Kozinova 1138, 251 01, Říčany u Prahy
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 602 330 766
e-mail: censpol@censpol.cz


The models and maquettes have not just informational quality that you will appreciate especially during the presentation for your clients. The miniatures made by our company represent the real artwork.

The model can present an authentic miniature of the machine, technical device or can present the first realization - prototype.

We try to show also the "inside" of the machine. This can help understanding how the machines work what is not possible in normal conditions. All our models are mechanically functional. 

The proportions of these models will facilitate your business trips all over the world. 


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